Archive of ECC Announcements



August 23, 2015

Conferees of the 2015 National Conference and Retreat for the Evangelical Catholic Church has committed our Church to return producing episodes of "Evangelical Catholic Life" and to also begin producing promotional and education documentaries about the Church.

August 23, 2015

The House of Bishops for the Evangelical Catholic Church has called Bishop James Wilkowski, Bishop for the Diocese of the Northwest to serve as Presiding Bishop for the next five years. 

Bishop Wilkowski has called Bishop Louis Serra, Bishop for the Diocese of the Northeast to serve as Vicar-General and upon his Episcopal Incardination, Bishop Joseph Ryan will serve as Vicar-General for Ireland and the UK.

February 21 2015

The Society of the Benedictines of God the Father
has been dissolved and members exclustrated

February 15, 2015
Dermot Rodgers
withdraws application for
Episcopal Incardination
and resigns as
Episcopal Vicar for the
Diocese of the Northwest

July 5th, 2013
Presiding Bishop
grants transitional faculties to
The Reverend Louis Serra
candidate for
Clerical Incardination
Diocese of the Northeast


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