"A Welcoming Community of Faith Rooted in the Catholic Tradition"




Administrative Guidelines and Policies


Local Dioceses



In sacramental, ecclesial, ecclesial and canonical union with the Independent Evangelical Catholic Church in America (AKA) the Evangelical Catholic Church, each of the canonically erected local dioceses and canonically established religious societies and/or orders have pledged their respect, loyalty and obedience to the Office of the Presiding Bishop and to the Church Corporate to work in unity to fulfill the Mission of the Church Corporate in service to the People of God.

To guarantee professional success and uniformity between the Dioceses and Church Corporate, the following Guidelines and Policies shall serve, along with the Code of Canon Law and the By-Laws of the Church Corporate, to maximize the day-to-day functional success of our mission.

Mission Diocese v. Diocese Regular

At this time in our formation, the Evangelical Catholic Church has divided the 51 individual States into four (4) provincial dioceses:  Northwest, Northeast, Southeast and Southwest.   At the 2002 meeting of the House of Bishops, it was decided that once a diocese has established 9 missions within its See, that Diocese would become a Diocese Regular.  Once a Diocese become a Diocese Regular, that Diocese, for legal purposes, would apply for their own diocesan 501C3 account and cease dependence upon the umbrella 501C3 account of the Church Corporate.

Office of the Diocesan Bishop

The Diocesan Bishop is appointed by the Presiding Bishop of the Church Corporate to be the Chief Administrator for the pastoral and sacramental needs of their See and shall also serve as the Corporation Sole in any and all legal matters within their See. 

In addition to that stated in Canon 16, the Diocesan Bishop is responsible for, but not limited to:

1.      All civil and canonical legalities on behalf of their See.

2.      Fostering of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

3.      Creation of new parishes within their See.

4.      All matters financial on behalf of the Diocesan Office.

5.      Creation of the Presbyterial Senate.

6.      Creation of an Advisory Board of the Laity.

7.      Responsibilities related to membership within the House of Bishops.

The Presbyterial Senate

Once a local diocese has 3 secular and/or religious clerics in residence with the See, the local Bishop shall create a Presbyterial Senate for the purpose of working within collegiality with the Bishop to address the concerns and issues of the diocese.  The Presbyterial Senate shall meet no less than six (6) times per year, with the Bishop in attendance, and shall assume responsibility for the election of their officers.

Board of Laity

Each parish within the diocese shall elect or appoint two (2) members of the laity to sit on the Diocesan Board of the Laity.  The Board of Laity shall advise their Bishop of their concerns on matters within the diocese and accept appointments by the Bishop to sit on committees necessary for the welfare of the diocese.  The Diocesan Board of the Laity shall meet no less than six (6) times per year, with the Bishop in attendance and shall assume responsibility for the election of their officers.